Monday, March 10, 2025

Review: Insight After Doomsday – The way to Nihilism

Formed in 2002 Insight after Doomsday are the result of a long musical journey of certain components and their evolution. Changing their name from Insigh to Insight after Doomsday in 2010. The Way to Nihilism is the bands fourth album to date.logo aid

Here is RAMzine’s Track-by-Track Review:

The Way to Nihilism

Quite an unexpected opening that sounds as if it should be labelled as a classical genre, however it is a very beautiful composition, but only a brief respite.


In contrast, this is likely to snap a few necks and burst a few ear drums. It a fiery explosive track with very mature clean vocals and potently catchy rhythms that bask in a ferocious magnetic elegance.

The Unexpected

Again, very diverse with keyboards making their presence felt amid a raucous beats and pent up guitars.

Insight After Doomsday II


The synths really slice into the aural with their shrill entrance – so making sure the volume is not up so high next time!! The tracks rips and tears itself up through a feisty onslaught of progressive and melodic passages.

World Demise

Nice and fast with plenty of synths to pave the way – this has struck a ‘chord’ and now fully interlocked with its mighty gait that pushes the boundaries in such an engaging way. – Really high octane track and a favourite so far.


Dark, ambient and haunting it bursts forth into a mad frenzy and gives an all- out metal feast of goodness. It’s muscular strength and solid riffs are energetic and addictive – yes this is another favourite! Check out the entwining harmonies, real master class!

Last Letter Home

Sends a chill down your spine as it builds its towering rhythms and pushes the boundaries – suddenly it drops into a mournful ballad. However it soon builds itself back up again and smashes through its original endeavours still managing to deliver a gripping track with excellent qualities.

 Political Valentine

Keys and drums work so well on this – it’s a real mental challenge that offers intimidating passion and predation, although it is the first time I feel the vocals have let it down slightly being off key – which is a damn shame.


A rather dreamy sound-scape can be experienced here with the choppy synth notes fluctuating amid a solid drum battering. It is a track that holds plenty of fire and catchy melodic temperament.

Insight after doomsday


Crisp, creative and imaginative are three words to describe this track that engages and compels with sheer brutal rhythms. Holding a rather seductive beauty and menacing beast to its capturing embrace.

Waiting to fall

Can’t say this isn’t diverse at all! This sneaky track sends you into a false sense of security thinking you are going to get a ballad and then turns into an evil monster that rips through the flesh with no remorse.

In Denial

Holding a rather urgent breath you can feel the anticipation build as the track moves on. The battle between evil and downright monstrous begins and only evil can win this one!


And to finish this album is more melodic madness in the guise of an old time classic by Hall & Oates, although it is slightly disappointing as the vocals do appear to be off key and so ruins it somewhat.

With not an ounce of doom insight – This album is a bit of a mixed bag, meaning when they are good they are superb, but when they are bad they are ‘off key’ simple as that.

However it isn’t all bad news – there are some sizzlers among these tracks that really do warrant attention and the synth really gives plenty of diversity to its mesmerizing passages.

‘World Demise’ is simply jaw dropping it is like tiny shards of glass penetrating the skull that embed themselves with a compelling urgency. The keyboard gives it a mature sound which shall definitely get another few playing’s just to savour its grandiose qualities, along with ‘SPG’ which is just as dynamic and spellbinding – you can feel your soul lift from your body when listening to these two tracks alone.

So an unpredictable album, diverse and compelling most of the time but not without its flaws.

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Ricardo Estrada in 2014 at IAD Studios from Barcelona, Spain. Insight after Doomsday ‘The way to Nihilism’ is out now via Art Gates Records.


Track ListInsight After Doomsday-The Way to Nihilism

The way to Nihilism
The Unexpected
World Demise
Last Letter Home
Political Valentine
Waiting to fall
In Denial
Pagan Hel
Pagan Hel
RAMzine Senior Writer - Although my fingers don't play frets they write with enthusiasm for metal!!!!!!

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