Legendary masked monsters of metal, SlipKnot, have teased their new movie Day of The Gusano by uploading a clip of classic track ‘Vermilion’ on their YouTube page. Check out the video below:
This documentary film is based around the Des Moines nine’s first trip to Mexico City and will be premiered on over a thousand screens across the world – including 50 in the UK as a ‘one night only’ cinema experience on September 6th.
SlipKnot’s iconic clown percussionist M.Shawn Crahan directed the film and had this to say about the release:
“SLIPKNOT still has dreams for itself. Finally playing Mexico was one of them. It’s been a surreal life of rock and roll for SLIPKNOT and the fact that the dreams still go on for us is simply incredible. Thank you.”
Guitarist Jim Root continues, “We had such a great time at Knotfest Mexico… Not only with all the friends and bands that were there, but with the fans and the crowd we had to document it with. Now we get to share it with the world.”