Not to mention their list of achievements continues to grow and shows no signs of stopping with them recently gaining playtime On BBC Radio One and being a feature band on Alternative press. Its hard to grasp the fact that this band have yet to release a full length album even though there first EP Rain in July is considered to be the best thing at the moment with 7 tracks. Their Next release is a free EP titled A History of bad Decisions to give fans a taster of what they can expect when the band write their much anticipated full length.
The first track Up In Smoke shows how much potential the band really have opening with a very upbeat pop punk guitar that would be at home on any well known pop punk bands albums the lyrics are delivered with meaningfulness which allows you to really connect with the song being about struggling to cope with life is something that everyone can relate to and its clear that Neck Deep have the ability to relate to there fans this song is a great album of them growing and moving forward and is a great opener.
Tables Turned is perhaps the best song on the EP starting off with a cheeky queuing sound track before playing a well-structured well-written song which has the potential to be a hit in itself with such lyrics as “bend the rules until they break you” which I feel would be home on any t-shirt
Head to the ground the final track on the EP is the one that stands out most of all though with it being an acoustic track all be it different from the much popular a part of me It has a sing along element to it before changing tempo completely with blasting electronic guitar which brings power and attention the song and shows the bands range of talents and thought process throughout writing which creates exciting times for the future as this EP is a taster of what’s to come its quite clear that the Boys In Neck Deep do have winning formula of talent and skill and they are willing to make things happen for them in the right ways