RAMzine 31 | Of Mice & Men
RAMzine Issue 31 is out now featuring an interview with Aaron Pauly from Of Mice & Men, we discuss the band’s creative process on...
Can You Hear Them? A Short Piece On Ozzy Osbourne’s Excellent Down To Earth
When legendary rocker Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath) released his first post-millennial record titled Down to Earth in October 2001, six years had passed since...
Cradle Of Filth “Ed Sheeran is a much better guitarist than he lets on”...
2021 has been one hell of a year for Suffolk metal goths Cradle Of Filth (pun intended) - they returned with a vengeance at...
RAMzine Classic: The Byron Band – On The Rocks
David Garrick was born on 29th January 1947 and sadly died from alcohol related issues on 28th February 1985. He did leave a considerable...
Rise Against (Acoustic) @ Pryzm, Kingston
If you’ve seen Rise Against live, you’ll know how energetic and electric the atmosphere can be. With over 20 years of performance and an...
A few years ago, the hugely interesting outfit known as Kingdom of Madness came into being and immediately caught my interest as this talented...
Friday – A Taste of Manchester’s Metal Underground
Badgerfest 2021 took place at The Bread Shed in Manchester. The opening night displayed a taste of what was to come with some of...
Bokassa set Manchester ablaze with Molotov Rocktail
Returning to Manchester for the first time since their epic set opening for Metallica in 2019, Norwegian stoner rock outfit Bokassa take residence at...
The Spiritual Blight of The Black Hole Generator – A Terrifying Metal Classic
2016 saw the release of a deeply unsettling and bone-chillingly brilliant opus entitled A Requiem for Terra by the Norwegian black metal/industrial metal entity...
RAMzine Classic – Green Bullfrog reaches its 50 (and 30) year anniversary
When, in 1972, an album was released that featured artists named Boots, The Boss, The Vicar, Sleepy, Sorry, Pinta, Speedy, Bevy and Jordan, it...