Before Facebook, MySpace, Instagram, et al Vampirefreaks was the place those of the goth/alt community would come online to connect. After 21 years – has come to an end.
This was confirmed by the site founder and company owner, Jet Berelson, on February 1st. The statement reads:
“I’m shutting down the VF social networking site for a number of reasons. It’s just been a steady decline over the years and honestly, it’s my own fault, I could have done better. I could have kept putting countless hours every day into it but it just stopped being fun after a while when there started being a certain level of negativity from some users. We’ve had to deal with trolls, haters, ddos attacks, hackers, ridiculous rumors, drama, and stress. We survived it all and stuck together for years and I am eternally grateful to all the supporters. There are lots of things I could have done differently but when it comes down to it, I’m proud of what we accomplished.
VF was a big success and we had our time. I poured my heart into VF for years and it’s depressing to let go of something I’ve put so much work into but it’s time to move on.
It’s always been a labor of love and I’ve always believed in doing what makes you happy. Sadly it’s just time for a change.
Times change, people change, and businesses change.“
You can read the full statement on the site’s homepage, here
The network was instrumental in helping the careers of a lot of bands in the goth and rock community, such as Combichrist and The Birthday Massacre (pictured in featured image).
The good news is that the brand ‘Vampirefreaks’ will continue in other ventures. This includes clothing and hosting live events.
I started the 3NCIRCLE N37WORK a little over a year ago to give goths a new place to go. Perhaps you will find it interesting…