Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Snowploughing Mine Road

Irish hard rock band Mine Road has emerged with their first single, ‘Snowplough’, taken from their forthcoming debut album, Tomorrow’s Sky, that will be out on the 4th of July.
Featuring brothers Stuart  (guitar) and Steve Cash (drums), vocalist Ken Carthy, and guitarist Dave Flood, Mine Road  said of the song: “The essence of the song is about loss. The feeling of being covered by a blanket of snow, with the negative aspect in life being the snow itself. We wanted to write a song to combat those negative emotions and try to get a positive take on the negative things in life, all the while finding strength to plough through to the other side.”

The band released Satellite, a four track EP as far back as 2012 but went on hiatus as Stuart moved to Sydney, Australia soon after its release. Songwriting tentatively began again as the two brothers began to trade ideas between continents, Stuart living in Sydney with Steve basing himself in New York. A return to Dublin in 2019 for the brothers opened the possibility of a Mine Road revival as Carthy and Flood all returned to the fold.
After completing the writing process for their first full length album, the band decided to tour Ireland after covid had shut down live performances for the previous two years. With a successful run of shows nationally under their belt, the band knuckled down to the task of recording debut album Tomorrow’s Sky, that is said to be “bursting with high-energy, and powerhouse hard-rock anthems.”

Available digitally, you can check out the video to ‘Snowplough’ here art RAMzine.

Paul H Birch
Paul H Birch
RAMzine Senior Writer - Writer of fiction, faction and fact, has edited several newsstand magazines. He declares himself a hack for hire but refuses to compromise on the subject of music.

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