Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Review: Gandalf’s Owl – Winterfell EP

The name as well as the band’s cover is intriguing – so hoping that the music can live up to the high standard already offered by Sicilian Gandolfo before even a note is heard!

The Wall

The echoing voice is soothing although disturbing.  Its ominous presence is indeed striking and once the music comes into focus making me give it the thumbs up for intrigue, which is a fantastic start. It’s far reaching sound effects are brooding and compelling and I would even go as far to say appealing. Its ghostly distressing hues are utterly breath-taking and addictive.


Holds a very sinister edge to it. Haunting and irksome it lavishes the ears with sounds that hit the temporal lobes with breath-taking consequences. The sounds sweep over you and allow your mind to paint vivid pictures while the mass of seething rhythms cleanse your soul with uplifting magnitude as it explores every corner embracing you with warmth.

White Arbour

Gandalf's_Owl_-_pic_1.jpgAllows the listener to submerge themselves in the crisp waters and indulge in bird song before the inspirited rhythms wash over you like a tide that is ebbing and flowing towards the land. It indulges you with enriching textures that are liberalizing and beneficial for total wellbeing.

I could listen to this every day and never feel bored. There is something magical contained within its powerful roots that just reach every part of your body. This you can feel in abundance like a warming sun or cool rain, allowing you to feel energized and relaxed and makes you feel reassured with its steely presence.

It more than lives up to its intriguing cover and name, far surpassing any expectations, being played over and over and offering more to experience and engage in, its tremendous rhythms bubble and enlighten the mood with ease. The dark ambience lifts you into another realm offering sheer comfort with each note that is psychedelically displayed.

The trance like concoctions are all encompassing, shielding you like a giant blanket of warmth, although it can possess sinister edges, they are not so black that you feel swamped and engulfed by them.

The euphoria that’s contained in each track can ‘put you under’ within seconds of listening and oozes a certain magic that simply cannot be ignored.

This E.P is well worth owning if you want to wash off any negative energies in order to feel enriched and refreshed!

Released July 26th via Inferno Enterprises.

Pagan Hel
Pagan Helhttp://paganhelreviews.blogspot.co.uk/
RAMzine Senior Writer - Although my fingers don't play frets they write with enthusiasm for metal!!!!!!

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