Review: Stormbringer – Blood and Rust
Being a huge fan of good scotch and bourbon, I soon found my perfect drinking music in Viking Skull and never looked back. I've...
Review: Chris Cornell – Higher Truth
There’s a few things that Higher Truth is and isn’t.
It is the follow up to the 2009 album Scream, which featured Chris Cornell teaming...
Review: New Years Day – Malevolence
A soon as a couple of years ago the idea of 'goth rock' being cool again seemed very unlikely. Enter the whole 'New Grave'...
Review: City of Thieves – The Incinerator
London may well be a city built upon the reputation of thieves. From the greedy bank-bosses who dwell in their shiny towers, to the...
Review: Heart of a Coward – Deliverance
Every musical movement can be stripped down to three phases. The excitement, when a band with a new idea appears and takes the world...
Review: This is Shark Country – Chances
Born in 2011, the irrepressible five-some are 100% committed to the execution and construction of their craft. Through extensive gigging and intense rehearsing, This...
Review: Dearist – This House has no Windows
No nonsense rock band from good old Brum who offer some volatile riffs and at the same time bring a lingering sliver of impressive...
Review: Fractal Generator – Apotheosynthesis
There is one thing I love about this band and I haven’t even heard them yet! And that is their ingenuity for using the...
Review: Todesstoss – Hirngemeer
Founded in 2000. Todesstoss translated into English means Deathblow.
Ever wondered just what you walked into? Ever questioned what your eyes see and your ears...
Review: Motörhead – Black Magic
I have always thought that Motörhead should be their own sub-genre of rock music. A friend asked me recently, "How is the new album?" The...