Friday, March 28, 2025
HRH Awards

Review: The First Annual Hard Rock Hell Awards

Glitz, blitz, glamour and more kilts than an SNP convention, tonight marks the very first Hard Rock Hell Annual Awards ceremony in all its...
stray train

Exclusive: Heading for the Sun with Stray Train!

Last year Stray Train were out on tour with blues rock favourites Blues Pills before playing various festivals around Europe including Resurrectino Festival (Spain) and...

MARILLION very much at the top of their game | London Palladium

Marillion are now almost certainly the Grateful Dead of the prog world, in that they play lots of people around the world, but largely...
Rise Against

Live: Rise Against, Manchester Apollo

Some may argue that punk rock in recent years has become stagnant and lost all of the edge it once had, however, bands like...
cro mags

Cro-Mags Destroy The Camden Underworld In a Triumphant Return To The UK

It has been a while since legendary NYHC crew Cro-Mags have performed in London. Only having done one-off appearances here and there (most notably...

#CutTheCrap Sexual Harassment on Social Media Needs to Stop!

Today, something happened to me on Facebook that is a far too common an occurrence for women on social media. Being a music publicist, having...

Deliberations From The Shire with Mike James – GWAR

Riffs followed by riffs followed by riffs and more riffs is one way to describe the new album from GWAR. From the off, the...

OZZY OSBOURNE Announced As First Download Headliner!

Download Festival has announced their first headliner for next years festival! The Price of Darkness, Ozzy Osborne will be gracing the famous stage at...
record deal

So you want a Record Deal?

As a publicist, I am constantly facing the same scenario over and over again with regards to record labels. So I wanted to throw...

Klogr… Keystone to rock!

The number of Italian rock bands who’ve come to notice outside of their home country could be counted on the fingers of one hand....