Sunday, January 12, 2025

Prog Metal legends, Mastodon return to Manchester with an entirely sold out show

Topping album of the year polls for almost two decades and seemingly reinventing their sound with every subsequent album, Atlanta Prog Metal legends, Mastodon...

The Underworld became “tonehenge” courtesy of Greenleaf, The Atomic Bitchwax and Steak.

Christmas came early this month, for those of the stoner scene in London. The Underworld was set to become "tonehenge" for the evening with...
Blind River

Blind River leave an impression after playing free show at The Black Heart

When you have a birthday midweek and hit a good few pubs with friends, there is little more that can top it off perfectly...

Not all Gorillaz fans stick around for full set | Manchester 2017

Manchester Arena, 1st December 2017 Gorillaz have returned to the UK after 7 years, which is pretty much a million years, but it was well...
Satyricon by Christian Misje - 2307_WEB.jpg

Satyricon play venue located inside a cave in Norway!

The Norwegian black metal institution that is Satyricon recently embarked on a club tour in their native country, which, luckily, included a visit to...

JW Jones at The Robin 2: 28th November

Four piece support act The Hand & The Flowers make amiable sounds from onstage, ranging from a crunchy blues rock of the early ZZ...

Bad Touch & Mollie Marriott: Coventry Empire, 25th November 2017

Late opening their doors, the bitter cold we suffered outside isn’t warmed by the reception received within: left confuse waiting in a room with...

Samantha Fish & Rainbreaker: Robin 2 Bilston Wednesday 22nd November

Tonight I am attending the award-winning Robin 2 not quite knowing what to expect and in what is the first of several pleasant surprises...

Joanne Shaw Taylor & Dan Patlansky – Birmingham Symphony Hall, 20th November 2017

As I stroll up New Street, avoiding transfixed shoppers perusing stalls at Birmingham’s German Christmas Market here in the rain, I’m reminded of the...

Live: Opeth and Enslaved, Manchester Ritz

Over the past few years progressive rock has changed significantly, with most of the smaller bands opting to take a heavier approach with each...