Thursday, September 19, 2024

RAMzine Introduces… Beneath the Wake

Deathcore is, of course, not to everybody's taste. Certainly, images of early Bring Me the Horizon have been known to induce seizures to some...

RAMzines Top Ten Break-Up Songs

We've all been there huh? Maybe it was through a 'kind' face to face, perhaps it was a phone call or even worse a...

Led Zeppelin – Led Zeppelin II

Led Zeppelin are simply the most influential band of all time. If you speak to any rock musician in the modern world, it's pretty...

RAMzine Introduces… Radio Alcatraz

Radio Alcatraz are a band that were formed around what is essentially the best goal a band can have: to make music that's honest...

RAMzines Top Ten Drummers

People love a frontman - he's at the front of the stage if you're at a gig, or the focal point of that track...

AC/DC – Back In Black

Iconic. Quintessential. Timeless. This series of articles is meant to be about albums and bands that encompass these three words. We've covered bands from...

RAMzine Introduces… FLiCKER

If you’re missing a bit of punk-rock energy in your life, Brit trio FLiCKER are here to save you! Setting the music scene alight...

The Sex Pistols – Nevermind The Bollocks

First of all let’s make a few assumptions. Because you are reading a predominantly guitar based music magazine I am assuming you have listened...

Interview with ALTAAR

ALTAAR is the creation of Andreas Tylden and Sten Ove Toft. Andreas Tylden has often been described as one of the most important characters in...

Faith No More – Angel Dust

1989 saw a lot of changes for Faith No More: they had hired a bundle of energy with a high voice in Mike Patton...